
Daryl Strohbehn
Daryl Strohbehn has been an Extension beef specialist with Iowa State University since 1974. He specializes in cow-calf production education and outreach efforts. Strohbehn pioneered the Beef Cow Business Records system and is noted for his success in developing cow-calf systems that use available feed resources and genetic performance to increase profits. He has also worked on various regional and national projects with the National Cattlemens Beef Association. Presently, he oversees a field staff of 14, working on outreach efforts in cow-calf production and grid marketing. A native of Iowa, Strohbehn received his bachelors degree from Iowa State University and his masters degree and doctorate at Michigan State University.

Barry Dunn
Barry Dunn is a professor and range livestock production specialist at South Dakota State University. Before receiving his doctorate in 2000, Dunn managed his familys ranching operation for 17 years. At the university, Dunn teaches courses in range management, ranch management and beef cattle production. He is also active in Extension programs and works to help producers increase ranch profits and to provide guidance in range and pasture management. He is a longtime member of several state and national beef industry organizations. Along with his wife, Jane, and their two sons, Dunn continues to farm and raise cattle on their ranch near Brookings, S.D.

Phil Widel
Phil Widel, DVM, is a 20-year member of the Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., team. He conducts research field trials on cattle vaccines developed by the company and works with veterinarians and cattle producers to resolve herd health problems. Widel speaks on animal health issues at veterinary seminars and cattle meetings across North America. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine and operated an animal veterinary practice before joining Boehringer Ingelheim.

Ron Lemenager
Ron Lemenager has been an animal science professor at Purdue University since 1977. He has conducted numerous studies on the correlation between nutrition and reproduction in beef cows. Recently, Lemenager has focused on the impact of nutritional and management factors on marbling and tenderness. He has been an active member of the American Society of Animal Science, serving as the president and director of the Midwest section. He is a beef producer and a member of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association. Lemenager also serves on the Science & Technology Committee of the National Cattlemens Beef Association.

Matt Perrier
Matt Perrier is the director of commercial programs for the American Angus Association. His duties include developing programs that will help beef producers better manage and merchandise their Angus-sired commercial cattle. He has also worked for the Association as a regional manager for Texas and New Mexico. Before coming to the American Angus Association, Perrier worked as the director of promotions for the Pennsylvania Beef Council. He received his bachelors degree in animal science from Kansas State University in 1996. His family owns a farming and ranching operation in the southern Flint Hills of Kansas.

Kevin Yon
Kevin Yon, owns and operates Yon Family Farms in Ridge Spring, S.C., with his wife, Lydia, and their three children. Before starting their own operation in 1996, the Yons managed Congaree Farms in Eastover, S.C., for seven years. Now, the Yon family manages 350 Angus cows and 200 commercial cows on 1,400 acres. Each spring they have an annual bull sale, and they are planning a bull and female sale in fall 2004. Yon received his animal science degree from Clemson University and has since served on several advisory committees at Clemson. He is a past president of both the South Carolina Cattlemens Association and the South Carolina Angus Association.

Vance Uden
Vance Uden is the owner and manager of TC Ranch Inc., Franklin, Neb., which is home to 600 registered Angus cows. He has been using performance data since 1962 and has had an annual production sale for the past 29 years. Many of his bulls have been featured at bull studs throughout the country. Uden served as a director on the American Angus Association Board and as president of the Nebraska Angus Association. He is a respected cattle judge, judging shows such as the North American International Livestock Exposition, the American Royal and the National Western Stock Show. Uden received his animal science degree from the University of NebraskaLincoln.
Gene Harris
Gene Harris and his family own and operate Harris Ranch, an Angus cow-calf operation near Killdeer, N.D. He has been an active participant and supporter of Certified Angus Beef LLC for several years. In 1998 Harris Ranch was recognized as the Certified Angus Beef commercial producer of the year. In addition, he has served the cattle industry as the president of the North Dakota Stockmans Association, and he is the current vice president of Region 7 of the National Cattlemens Beef Association.
