
"Take Charge"
Ron Lemenager
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Take Charge of Your Operation
Its all about the five Ps, Ron Lemenager, of Purdue University and the Five State Beef Initiative, told attendees of the 2003 National Angus Conference in Bismark, N.D., Sept. 25. People, pride, profit, product and partnerships.
During his presentation to more than 400 Angus enthusiasts from 30 states, Canada and Denmark, Lemenager asked attendees to consider, How can we compete in a commodity market? And what does the future hold?
The beef industry is in a state of change, moving away from producing commodity beef, he said.
By 2007, 70% of the product will sell through alliances, branded programs, forward contracts or value grids (30% daily cash market), he said.
The beef industry is responsive and seeking information on cattle, says Ron Lemenager, animal scientist at Purdue University and executive director of the Five State Beef Initiative. Producers need to build résumés for their cattle that document genetic history, source verification, management practices, and feedlot and carcass history.
Lemenager explained the purpose and structure of the Five State Beef Initiative and its vision to increase producer profitability. He told producers a partnership like the Five State Beef Initiative can create the infrastructure that will allow producers to target and meet one market at a time.
He stressed the importance of data management and how producers need to build a résumé for their cattle. He explained that a good résumé includes documentation of an animals genetic history, source verification, management practices, and feedlot and carcass history.
For more information about Lemenagers presentation, click on the links above to download an audio archive or PowerPoint of his presentation.
by Angie Stump Denton
