
Morton County Fairgrounds, New Salem
Four Angus breeders had cattle on display at the last stop of the 2003 National Angus Tour. Tour participants viewed the cattle and some made the trip up the hill to view Salem Sue, the world's largest Holstein cow. |
Jason Frey, cowboy poet and humorist, provided the entertainment following the Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) steak dinner. |
This fairground will serve as a gathering place for another group of North Dakota Angus breeders. Tour participants will also enjoy a grand finale dinner and entertainment at this final stop, provided by the North Dakota Angus Association.
Herds with cattle on display:
Opp Bros. Angus, Hebron
Fast Angus Ranch, New Salem
North Star Angus Ranch, Center
Miller Angus, Saint Anthony

Cattle from four Angus herds were displayed at the Morton County Fairgrounds, where tour participants enjoyed a grand finale dinner. |
